Good Evening Professor Rau and Classmates,
This my first blog and it seems very interesting. I have the ability to pen open letters containing researched information and my opinions to everyone with access to the internet. It leaves me the creativity to create a blog about anything I want; probably about Culinary Arts and different foods. I will definitely be using a blog in my future endeavors. This can also be used in conjunction with my Web Page Formatting Class.
I am a little nervous about starting this class because I'm nervous about fitting the amount of work required for this class into my busy bee schedule.
Things that you might want to know: Culinary Arts and food are passions of mine. I am completing prerequisites to gain admissions into LIU's Doctorate of Pharmacy Program. I am currently employed as a Pharmacy Technician. I like things that keep me constantly busy and problem solving, (including math and technology problems), are things that I consider fun!
My favorite color is Purple!
My first English assignment.
--Azyana T.