December 8, 2014
Dear Nassau County Drivers,
Driving is already a pain in the ass for me. Driving
to school takes an hour and going back home takes the same amount of time. That’s
2 hours out of my day that I have to spend driving with you idiots on the road!
Especially those of you who live in Nassau County! Driving become a frustration
when I have to drive with any of you. When I am driving, I am focused on the
road and my radio. But when you I cross over from NYC to Nassau County I have
to change the type of music I am listening to in order to keep me alert enough
to avoid the accidents you cause.
The first type of Nassau drivers that I hate are the
elderly drivers. I am a firm believer that after a certain age (65 when your
Medicare Benefits kick-in) you should be retested to prove that you are still
able to drive, be alert and keep up with the flow of traffic. If you are not
able to do those things then you should have your license revoked and you can
hop on the Access-A-Ride Bus. Why? Because driving UNDER THE SPEED LIMIT when
people have places to go and people to see in a strict time frame holds everyone
The next type of Nassau drivers that really annoy me
is the young college students whose rich parents bought them a Ferrari. For
what reason did you, as parents, buy your non-experienced driver a Ferrari? I
understand that you want them to have a good life and be cool, but did it ever
cross your mind that MAYBE you are giving your child a lethal weapon that could
kill him and other people on the road? These types of drivers are the drivers
that are speeding through traffic (60 miles per hour is consider street racing
in NYS) and cutting off people. Now while that does not substantially affect me,
it does cause other drivers to panic and slow their vehicle ONCE AGAIN SLOWING
ME DOWN! In case you have not realized I do not like to be slowed down. Not
only that, but if I try to change lanes you speed up so that I can’t get over.
The final type of Nassau drivers that are those
drivers that have bought large expensive cars (Cadillac Escalades seems to be
popular). There are certain people that should not drive certain cars and
Nassau drivers are the people who should not drive large cars. Why? Because you
were not trained to drive a large car. It takes 6 months to truly learn to
drive a large car. You have to understand the new width and length you are
driving, how large the engine is, the new weight of the car you are driving and
how to properly accelerate. So you people who are just now getting a large car
are perhaps the MOST ANNOYING.
You drive at a slower pace because when it is time to
stop the weight of the engine and the car as well as the speed of the car will
cause you to continue to move forward and you do want to risk a ticket for
failing to stop at a red light. Not only that, but when you notice you are
going too fast you constantly ride the break confusing other drivers about what
you will do next. Because you are so focused on learning how to drive this
large car you often forget to signal and look in your mirrors. YOU WILL BE THE
As you “non-driving chickens,” as my mother calls you,
read this P.S.A. you are wondering why I am so angry. I am angry because my
father gave me his most prized possession: his GMC Denali (yes a big car that I
drive quite well as I have been trained well). It took a lot of convincing and
proof that I would not destroy his second wife in a car accident. My father
cringes at the sight of light dents from pebbles and light scratches on the
body of the car. He is looking for any and every reason to tell me that I can
no longer drive the car. So please for my sake, my life and yours please please
please be more polite, courteous and conscientious of the other drivers on the
road who just want to get from point A to B safely. If you fail to do so, when
they develop a “hammer-and-spatula” car attachment I will be buying and
installing one to smash your vehicle and scrap you to the side of the road.